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Anti-diarrheal constituents of Alpinia oxyphylla. Fitoterapia.
Zhang JQ, Wang S, Li YH, Xu P, Chen F, Tan Y, Duan JA.
Fitoterapia. 2013,89:149-56
Three new pteridines, hirudinoidine A-C from Hirudo nipponica Whitman
YouBin Li, WeiHua Huang, Yu Xiang
Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2008, 91:303-307
Two new cytotoxic pregnane glycosides from Cynanchun auriculatum.
Youbin Li, Jianfeng Zhang, Xiaojie Gu, Yunru Peng, Weihua Huang, Shihui Qian
Planta Medica. 2008,74:551-554
Validated method to measure yakuchinone A in plasma by LC-MS/MS and its application to a pharmacokinetic study in rats
Chen F, Li HL, Tan YF, Guan WW, Li YH, Zhang JQ*
Chem Cent J. 2014, 8(1):1-10
Analysis of nine compounds from Alpinia oxyphylla fruit at different harvest time using UFLC-MS/MS and an extraction method optimized by orthogonal design.
Li YH, Chen F, Wang JF, Wang Y, Zhang JQ*
Chem Cent J. 2013, 7(1):134
Systemic exposure of quercetin after administration of Feng-Liao-Chang-Wei-Kang granules to rats
Zhang JQ, Liu X, Fu NG, Liu MS, Tan YF
J Ethnopharmacol. 2011, 133(02): 911-913
Aphanamixins A-F, Acyclic Diterpenoids from the Stem Bark of Aphanamixis polystachya
Zhang XP, Tan YF, Li YB, Jin LF, Wei N, Wu HF, Ma GX, Zheng QX, Tian Y, Yang JS, Zhang JQ, Xu XD
Systemic and cerebral exposure to and pharmacokinetics of flavonols and terpene lactones after dosing standardized Ginkgo biloba leaf extracts to rats via different routes of administration
Chen F, Li L, Xu F, Sun Y, Du F, Ma X, Zhong C, Li X, Wang F, Zhang N, Li C
British Journal of Pharmacology. 2013, 170(2):440–457
Crude dietary polysaccharide fraction isolated from jackfruit enhances immune system activity in mice.J Med Food.
Tan YF, Li HL, Lai WY, Zhang JQ*
J Med Food. 2013, 16(7):663-8
Quantitative analysis of the major onstituents in Chinese medicinal preparation SuoQuan formulae by ultra fast high performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry
Chen F, Li HL, Li YH, Tan YF and Zhang JQ*
Chem Cent J. 2013 7(1):131
Characterization of nucleobases and nucleosides in the fruit of Alpinia oxyphylla collected from different cultivation regions
Song WJ, Li YH, Wang JG, Li ZY, Zhang JQ*
Drug Test Anal. 2014, 6(3):239-245
Wei N, Wang Y, Li HF, Zhang JQ*, Li YH*
Chem Nat Compd, 2013, 49(5):934-935
Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibits P-glycoprotein-mediated efflux of
digoxin in MDCKII-MDR1 and Caco-2 cell monolayer models
Li YH, Bi HC, Huang L, Jin J, Zhong GP, Zhou XN, Huang M
Acta Pharmacol Sin.Epub 2013,11
Pandanusphenol A and B: Two New Phenolic Compounds from the Fruits of Pandanus tectorius Soland
Zhang XP
Records of Natural Products ,2013, 7(4):359–362
Up- regulatation of CYP3A expression through pregnent X receptor by praeruptorin D isolated from Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn
Huang L, Huang M, Li YH, Li RM, Zeng Y, Kuang SY, Zhang L, Wang YT, Bi HC
J Ethnopharmacol. 2013,148(2):596-602
The genus Phylloporus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from China: morphological and multilocus DNA sequence analyses
Zeng NK
Fungal Diversity. 2013,58: 73–101
Two new ent-3,4-seco-labdane diterpenoids from Callicarpa nudiflora
Dong L, Zhang XP, Liu MS, Li YM, Wang JH, Wang Y
Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2013,15(1):30-4
Screening and Analyzing the Potential Bioactive Components from Reduning Injection, Using Macrophage Cell Extraction and Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry
Li Y, Wang P, Xiao W, Zhao L, Wang Z, Yu L
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2013,41(1): 221–229
Chemical constituents from the bark of Cerbera manghas
Zhang XP, Liu MS, Zhang JQ, Kang SL, Pei YH.
JANPR, 2009, 11(1):75-78