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曾念开,男,博士,教授,437ccm必赢国际药学院硕士生导师,海南省515人才工程第三层次人选2007年获北京协和医学院-清华大学理学硕士学位;2012年获中国科学院昆明植物研究所理学博士学位。多年来从事药用真菌资源、分类、分子系统发育、人工培养及相关食品、保健品开发等研究工作;发现并正式发表真菌新属2个,新种30个,中国新记录属1个,中国新记录种2个,新组合种7个。在Fungal DiversityMycologiaMycological Progress等期刊发表学术论文40余篇,其中27篇载SCI源刊物上;主编或副主编专著4部,参编6部;授权专利5项;主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、中国科学院重点实验室开放基金1项,参加国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家科技部支撑计划项目1项。培养硕士研究生6名。






[1] Nian-Kai Zeng, Hui Chai, Shuai Jiang, Rou Xue, Yong Wang, Deng Hong, Zhi-Qun Liang*. 2018. Retiboletus nigrogriseus and Tengioboletus fujianensis, two new boletes from the south of China. Phytotaxa 367 (1): 45–54 (SCI, IF=1.185)

[2] Hui Chai, Zhi-Qun Liang, Shuai Jiang, Xun-Long Fu, Nian-Kai Zeng*. 2018. Lanmaoa rubriceps, a new bolete from tropical China. Phytotaxa 347 (1): 71–80 (SCI, IF=1.185)

[3] Zhi-Qun Liang, Ming-Sheng Su, Shuai Jiang, Deng Hong, Nian-Kai Zeng*. 2018. Tylopilus callainus, a new species with a sea-green color change of hymenophore and context from the south of China. Phytotaxa 343 (3): 269–276 (SCI, IF=1.185)

[4] Shu-Da Yang, Hong-Yan Huang, Jie Zhao, Nian-Kai Zeng, Li-Ping Tang. 2018. Ossicaulis yunnanensis sp. nov. (Lyophyllaceae, Agaricales) from southwestern China. Mycoscience 59 (1): 33–37 (SCI, IF=1.229)


[5] Li-Ping Tang, Su-See Lee, Nian-Kai Zeng, Qing Cai, Ping Zhang, Zhu L. Yang. 2017. Notes on Amanita section Caesareae from Malaysia. Mycologia 109 (4): 557–567 (SCI, IF=2.55)

[6] Nian-Kai Zeng*, Zhi-Qun Liang, Li-Ping Tang, Yan-Chun Li, Zhu L. Yang. 2017. The genus Pulveroboletus (Boletaceae, Boletales) in China. Mycologia 109(3): 422–442 (SCI, IF=2.55)

[7] Dong-Yu An, Zhi-Qun Liang, Shuai Jiang, Ming-Sheng Su, Nian-Kai Zeng*. 2017. Cantharellus hainanensis, a new species with a smooth hymenophore from tropical China. Mycoscience 58(6): 438–444 (SCI, IF=1.014)

[8] Zhi-Qun Liang, Hui Chai, Shuai Jiang, Zheng-Kun Ye, Nian-Kai Zeng*. 2017. The genus Xanthoconium (Boletaceae, Boletales) in tropical China. Phytotaxa 295(3): 246–254 (SCI, IF=1.24)

[9] Zhi-Qun Liang, Ming-Sheng Su, Shuai Jiang, Nian-Kai Zeng*. 2017. Marasmius campestris sp. nov. (Marasmiaceae, Agaricales) from tropical China based on morphological and molecular evidence. Mycoscience 58(2): 77–84 (SCI, IF=1.014)


[10] Gang Wu, Kuan Zhao, Yan-Chun Li, Nian-Kai Zeng, Bang Feng, Roy E. Halling, Zhu L. Yang. 2016. Four new genera of the fungal family Boletaceae. Fungal Diversity 81: 1–24 (SCI, IF=6.991)

[11] Zhi-Qun Liang, Dong-Yu An, Shuai Jiang, Ming-Shen Su, Nian-Kai Zeng*. 2016. Butyriboletus hainanensis (Boletaceae, Boletales), a new species from tropical China. Phytotaxa 267(4): 256–262 (SCI, IF=1.087)

[12] Nian-Kai Zeng, Zhi-Qun Liang, Gang Wu, Yan-Chun Li, Zhu L. Yang. 2016. The genus Retiboletus in China. Mycologia 108(2): 363–380 (SCI, IF=2.638)

[13] Feng Chen, Qi Wen, Jun Jiang, Hai-Long Li, Yin-Feng Tan, Yong-Hui Li, Nian-Kai Zeng. 2016. Could the gut microbiota reconcile the oral bioavailability conundrum of traditional herbs? Journal of Ethnopharmacology 179: 253264 (SCI, IF=2.998)


[14] Nian-Kai Zeng, Ming-Shen Su, Zhi-Qun Liang, Zhu L. Yang. 2015. A geographical extension of the North American genus Bothia (Boletaceae, Boletales) to East Asia with a new species B. fujianensis from China. Mycological Progress 14: 1015 (SCI, IF=1.913)

[15] Nian-Kai Zeng, Ming-Zhang, Zhi-Qun Liang. 2015. A new species and a new combination in the genus Aureoboletus (Boletales, Boletaceae) from southern China. Phytotaxa 222 (2): 129–137 (SCI, IF=1.318)

[16] Jun-Qing Zhang, Yong Wang, Hai-Long Li, Qi Wen, Hang Yin, Nian-Kai Zeng, Wei-Yong Lai, Na Wei, Shou-Qian Cheng, Sheng-Li Kang, Feng Chen, You-Bin Li. 2015. Simultaneous quantification of seventeen bioactive components in rhizome and aerial parts of Alpinia officinarum Hance using LC-MS/MS. Analytical Methods 7 (12): 4919–4926 (SCI, IF=1.821)


[17] Gang Wu, Bang Feng, Jianping Xu, Xue-Tai Zhu, Yan-Chun Li, Nian-Kai Zeng, Md. Iqbal Hosen, Zhu L. Yang. 2014. Molecular phylogenetic analyses redefine seven major clades and reveal 22 new generic clades in the fungal family Boletaceae. Fungal Diversity 69(1): 93–115 (SCI, IF=6.938)

[18] Yan-Chun Li, Fang Li, Nian-Kai Zeng, Yang Yang Cui, Zhu L. Yang. 2014. A new genus Pseudoaustroboletus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Asia as inferred from molecular and morphological data. Mycological Progress 13: 1207–1216 (SCI, IF=1.543)

[19] Ming-Sheng Su, Zhi-Qun Liang, Xiong-Dong Chen, Yong Wang, Nian-Kai Zeng*. 2014. Hypholoma cinnabarinum revisited: A contribution to knowledge of Agaricus subgenus Lanagaricus section Trisulphurati (Agaricaceae, Agaricales). Mycoscience 55(6): 449–455 (SCI, IF=1.288)

[20] Nian-Kai Zeng, Gang Wu, Yan-Chun Li, Zhi-Qun Liang, Zhu L. Yang. 2014. Crocinoboletus, a new genus of Boletaceae (Boletales) with unusual boletocrocin polyene pigments. Phytotaxa 175 (3): 133–140 (SCI, IF=1.376)

[21] Nian-Kai Zeng, Zhi-Qun Liang, Zhu L. Yang. 2014. Boletus orientialbus, a new species with white basidioma from subtropical China. Mycoscience 55: 159–163 (SCI, IF=1.288)

[22] Yan-Chun Li, Beatriz Ortiz-Santana, Nian-Kai Zeng, Bang Feng, Zhu L. Yang. 2014. Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Veloporphyrellus. Mycologia 106 (2): 291–306 (SCI, IF=2.128)


[23] Nian-Kai Zeng, Li-Ping Tang, Yan-Chun Li, Bau Tolgor, Xue-Tai Zhu, Qi Zhao, Zhu L. Yang. 2013. The genus Phylloporus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from China: Morphological and multilocus DNA sequence analyses. Fungal Diversity 58: 73–101 (SCI, IF=5.319)


[24] Nian-Kai Zeng, Qing Cai, Zhu L. Yang. 2012. Corneroboletus, a new genus to accommodate the Southeast Asian Boletus indecorus. Mycologia 104 (6): 1420–1432 (SCI, IF=2.031)

[25] Bang Feng, Jianping Xu, Gang Wu, Nian-Kai Zeng, Yan-Chun Li, Bau Tolgor, Gerhard W. Kost, Zhu L. Yang. 2012. DNA sequence analyses reveal abundant diversity, endemism and evidence for Asian origin of the porcini mushrooms. PLoS ONE 7 (5): e37567 (SCI, IF=4.092)


[26] Nian-Kai Zeng, Li-Ping Tang, Zhu L. Yang. 2011. Type studies on two species of Phylloporus (Boletaceae, Boletales) described from southwestern China. Mycotaxon 117: 19–28 (SCI, IF=0.752)

[27] Nian-Kai Zeng, Zhu L. Yang. 2011. Notes on two species of Boletellus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from China. Mycotaxon 115: 413–423 (SCI, IF=0.752)


[1] 图力古尔. 2018. 蕈菌分类学. 北京科学出版社(副主编

[2] 严仲铠丁立起. 中华食疗本草. 北京中国中医药出版社(副主编

[3] 龙文兴等. 2018. 热带云雾林植物多样性. 北京科学出版社参编

[4] 李玉李泰辉杨祝良图力古尔戴玉成. 中国大型菌物资源图鉴. 郑州中原农民出版社摄影作者

[5] 唐丽萍. 2015. 澜沧江高等真菌彩色图鉴. 昆明云南科技出版社参编

[6] 杨祝良. 2015. 中国鹅膏科真菌图志. 北京科学出版社摄影作者

[7] 兰进陈向东曾念开. 2014. 名贵药用真菌栽培技术问答. 北京化学工业出版社

[8] 吴兴亮卯晓岚图力古尔宋斌李泰辉赵友兴陈双林曾念开 黄圣卓文庭池邓春英. 2013. 中国药用真菌. 北京科学出版社

[9] 吴兴亮戴玉成李泰辉杨祝良宋斌. 2011. 中国热带真菌. 北京 科学出版社参编

[10] 刘明生. 2008. 黎药学概论. 北京:人民卫生出版社参编


[1] 2013年获海南省科技协会博士协会优秀年度论文二等奖

[2] 2011年获中国科学院昆明植物研究所生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室2010年度学术研讨会学术报告一等奖

[3] 王秋颖,龚剑,陈世林,秦绍新,樊锦艳,曾念开. 2006. 药用真菌桑黄人工规模种植技术及液体深层发酵. 安徽省科技进步三等奖


[1] 梁志群,苏明声,曾念开. 2017. 一株二孢拟奥德蘑菌株及其粗多糖的提取和应用(专利号:ZL201510525867.3

[2] 曾念开,梁志群. 2015. 一种大型真菌拍摄多用板(专利号:ZL201420840455.X

[3] 曾念开,梁志群. 2015. 一种大型真菌标本采集箱(专利号:ZL201420840510.5

[4] 吴吉安,陈向东,钟耀强,曾念开. 2013. 虎乳灵芝的段木栽培方法(专利号:ZL201310012530.3

[5] 兰进,陈向东,姚自奇,曾念开. 2011. 有柄树舌栽培方法(专利号:




[1] 海南热带松林乳牛肝菌亚目真菌的分类研究,No. 31760008,国家自然科学基金地区基金,42万元,2018.01–2021.12,主持

[2] 海南鹦哥岭牛肝菌目真菌的分类与分子系统发育研究,No. 31560005国家自然科学基金地区基金,42万元,2016.012019.12,主持

[3] 海南牛肝菌科五个重要属的分类与分子系统发育研究,No. 31360008国家自然科学基金地区基金,50万元,2014.012017.12,主持

[4] 中国热带地区牛肝菌科三个重要属的分类与分子系统发育研究,No. KLBB201303中国科学院东亚植物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室开放课题,8万元,2013.092016.08主持




中国菌物学会终身会员,国家自然科学基金项目评审人,中国植物图像库签约摄影师,MycologiaMycological ProgressMycosciencePhytotaxaMycotaxon Plant Diversity等杂志审稿人